How is the spider connected to nothingness? In Buddhism, or for that matter, I think if God is everywhere then he also has to be nowhere.
Why should I be talking about this movie? Because, if you have been the victim of torture for most of your life, and you have been used since you were 5 years by vampires intent on sucking the soul/mind of yourself, then you have to know even though you can't write. At our address of 5251 SW 4th Court, and the address of 1458 SW 19th avenue, where my brother told someone, in Australia, that he wanted to be writer, I guess. Just after he wrote "It's a game" that had been an Ark document. It was only sent there because the ARk of the covenant is built on Vessica Pisces. This document knew I was a Pisces soul 3 years before I was born. Please do not quote me on that since it could be wrong. But after our mom passed away, and we were living together at the address listed above the person that was "running the show" so to speak, used to have little meetings with my biological brother, and my then step-sister. However, on one occasion, there was someone that was a relative of our's by the name of Paul Smith that was allowed into the "Chairman of the Board's meetings, but only spent a very short time there. I was never invited, and did not know what they were intended to be. But, when, Paul Smith, who was only visiting for the weekend from Dayton, Ohio came out of the meeting he said to me: "that's some program".
After that meeting I did not think anything of what he had said, and really did not understand why he said it. But we went to visit Paul, that is Paul Smith, in Dayton one more time, and during the visit he took me on the side of their house in Dayton, and showed me a locust, with, I guess, the intention of some connection to nature. Because the telephone call that was originally been made to our household that said: "nature says vacuum's can't exist" suggesting the nothingness dimension had been changed when we were living in Plantation to a telephone call that my biological brother took in which it was asked what my brother wanted today, and my brother said he "wanted nature" then the person on the other end said "you can't order nature" you have to order in three's so my brother said "ok, I want nature". My step brother, the person running the show was the only person that was listening to that telephone call. I was not in the room, and was not even aware that it had been made while a game of monopoly was being played.
Nathaniel West's Book "Day of the Locust"
Eighth Plague: The locusts (10:1 - 10:20) The eigth sign of the zodiac is Scorpio

The eighth plague of Egypt was locusts. Before the plague, God informed Moses that from that point on He would "harden Pharaoh's heart," so that Pharaoh would not give in, and the remaining miracles (the final plagues and the splitting of the Red Sea) would play out.
As with previous plagues, Moses came to Pharaoh and warned him of the impending plague of locusts. By this time all the Pharaoh's people including his magicians and advisors began to rebel. Pharaoh stood alone against God. Pharaoh's officials begged him to let the Israelites go rather than suffer the devastating effects of a locust-swarm, but he was still unwilling to give in. He proposed a compromise: the Israelite men would be allowed to go, while women, children and livestock would remain in Egypt. Moses repeated God's demand that every last person and animal should go, but Pharaoh refused.
God then had Moses stretch his staff over Egypt, and a wind picked up from the east. The wind continued all day and night, and brought with it a locust swarm the following morning. The swarm covered the sky, casting a shadow over Egypt. Such a locust-swarm had never been seen earlier in the land, nor was it seen afterwards. It consumed all the remaining Egyptian crops, leaving no tree or plant standing. Pharaoh again asked Moses to remove this plague and promised to allow all the Israelites to worship God in the desert. The LORD turned a mighty strong west wind, which took away the locusts, and cast them into the Red Sea; there remained not one locust in all the coasts of Egypt.
As promised, God hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he did not allow the Israelites to leave once the locusts were off.
The most famous literary or historical reference to locusts is in the Book of Exodus in the Bible, in which God sends a plague of locusts to the pharaoh of Egypt as retribution for refusing to free the enslaved Jews. Millions of locusts swarm over the lush fields of Egypt, destroying its food supplies. Destructive locusts also appear in the New Testament in the symbolic and apocalyptic book of Revelation. West's use of the locust in his title, then, calls up images of destruction and a land stripped bare of anything green and living. Certainly, the novel is filled with images of destruction: Tod Hackett's painting entitled "The Burning of Los Angeles," his violent fantasies about Faye, and the bloody result of the cockfight, just to name a few. A close examination of West's characters and his selective use of natural images, which include representations of violence and impotence — and which are therefore contrary to popular images linking nature and fertility — reveals that the locust in the title refers to the character of Tod.
Spider in movies
In the epic poem Ovid's Metamorphoses written about 2 millennia ago. In Chinese fantasy, Wu Cheng'en's Journey to the West, spiders came as female monsters. They tried to eat Xuánzàng, but it failed. Spiders were also depicted in Dante Alighieri's Purgatorio as the half-spider Arachne, and as a recurring theme in both J. R. R. Tolkien's works and in other authors. Tolkien used spiders in his precursor to the Lord of the Rings series with the book The Hobbit. In The Hobbit, giant spiders roamed a great forested area known as Mirkwood and attacked the main characters of the book, capturing some of them. The character of Ungoliant featured as a spider-like being or deity, and as a personification of Night from his earliest writings. His use of giant spiders as foes was predated by Lord Dunsany, who had used them in two stories written in 1907 and 1910. In The Lord of the Rings, the spider takes its form as the menacing giant spider Shelob, and was featured in the film adaption of the last book of the Lord of the Rings series. Although described as spiders, Tolkien gave them some attirbutes not seen in real spiders (apart from the obvious size issues), including compound eyes, beaks and spinning of black webs. he also resurrected the Old English words cob and lob. More recently, giant spiders have featured in books such as the fantasy novel Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling. This book was later followed by a motion picture of the same name, using the giant spider Aragog from the novel as a supporting character and pet of Hagrid, a grounds keeper in the book.
The spider has been compared with vampires as they have similar characteristics. Both lure and ensnare prey before sucking the life out of their victim. Like the arachnids, vampires are believed to be able to scale walls and cliff faces, and possess recognisable fangs, similar to those of spiders